Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When things are Not OK.

So here you are another day in your life and you find nothing good surrounding you. The power of positive thinking and attitude are not ideas new to you - you have used them many times to pick yourself up and move forward. But today seems different. You just can't reach that place inside you where all is well. So what do you do now? I look at the the beauty that the world has to offer but I can't seem to grasp it. I am taking life 5 minutes at a time and each minute is sorrowful. Usually I am optimistic and patient. That is not the case today. So what does a person do when hope and happiness are just not there? You turn your life over to a higher power and let go. If you crash and burn so be it, but maybe, just maybe the powers that be will save you. So here I go, letting go.